Sunday 1 March 2009

Matthew Bellamy

Matthew Bellamy (born June 9, 1978) is the lead singer and guitarist of British rock group Muse. Bellamy is also a talented pianist and plays keyboards in many of the band's songs.

His use of high pitched vocal lines is

a staple part of Muse's sound. This falsetto is a signature characteristic of Muse and is the main dividing factor between fans and non-fans.

Bellamy’s distinctive piano style has been inspired by the works of Romantic pianists, such as Sergei Rachmaninoff. Bellamy cites some of his guitar playing influences as Jimi Hendrix and Tom Morello of Rage Against the Machine, the latter being particularly evident in the more riff-based songs on Muse's second album, Origin of Symmetry, and in Bellamy’s extensive use of pitch-shifting effects in his solos.

Matt uses Hugh Manson custom guitars made in Exeter, Devon, UK. Matt currently has six Mansons, known as his "Mattocasters" (Matt + telecaster). The first and most famous is his silver Manson. Matt came up with the basic concept for this guitar and Hugh Manson helped him realise it. It has a built-in Z-Vex Fuzz Factory which gives Matt his distinctive sound and the ability to use controlled feed back, it also has a MXR Phase 90 phaser and uses Rio Grand pickups. All his other Mansons follow this same basic design (apart for Matt's 7 string which was not actually built for him) with some just having different finshes, as with his mirrored Manson, and some taking the idea even further. Matt's black Manson has a midi strip that controls a Digitech Whammy pedal, when it is connected, a Zvex Wah Probe and a number of other built in effects. Matt uses Diezel amp heads which are hand made in Germany, along with Marshall Mode Four cabinets, Soldano Cabinets and Line 6 amps. Most of Matt's rack effects are made with Line 6 modules.

Matt's father, George Bellamy was the rhythm guitarist in the 1960's British rock group The Tornadoes who were the first British band to have a US number 1.

Bellamy was recently #29 in Total Guitar magazine's top 100 guitar players in the world - above The Edge (U2), Pete Townshend and Chuck Berry and his riff Plug in Baby came 13th in in Total Guitar's pole of the top 20 riffs.

In April 2005, Kerrang magazine ranked him at #28 in their 50 sexiest people in rock, as well as their in-house number one guitarist.

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